Fraud in real estate in Egypt

Fraud in real estate in Egypt

The plot

 On 20.07.2005, we bought the company Aton land in Safaga for 20,620 euros.

The broker's commission was 680 euros.
We paid the full purchase price and the agency fee as well that day.
When we asked for a notary, said Ms. Minor, in Egypt there are no notaries. The contracts in Egypt makes the only real estate agent. It's in the desert Sun Today we know that this is a lie.
Only after we bought the property and paid, Sayed Mashahit bought with our money the property of the owner and gave rough minor power of attorney to register the plot. Thus, Mrs. Moll leave our property to enter their name into the Egyptian land.
This is clearly fraud. Even if the owner of the company Aton liked the story telling different, we can prove everything.
Since we only get money claims of Sayed Mashahit and Ewa minor.
On 06.02.2013 we spoke with Sayed Mashahit to make him an offer to settle the matter now final.
Although we have paid the full purchase price of the land, he still wanted even € 40,000 for the land. When we declined the said Mr. Mashahit, we wait another 15 to 20 years before you get your property perhaps.
Knapp summarized: Here you just cheated and blackmailed later.